About Me

Before becoming a licensed agent, I had 8 years of previous real estate experience. My passion for real estate goes beyond handling transactions and advocating for my clients. I believe that real estate requires education and a passion for the business. My role as an agent with Blanchard and Calhoun aspires me to live up to these standards by keeping up with local market trends and really focusing on my client´s needs and wants. I am currently serving on Columbia County´s Youth Leadership Committee. This is a program designed to educate through experience and motivate young leaders and enable them to take an active role in their community. This results in strong leaders who have hope for the future and the tools to influence a positive and progressive community. My husband and I have been married for 12 years and have 3 boys and two very spoiled English Bulldogs! We enjoy spending time as a family by going to sporting events, eating out or going to the movies. However, my husband and I do enjoy a night out to ourselves occasionally; usually eating somewhere in downtown Augusta. If you´re interested in learning more about the real estate market here in the CSRA you can email me or call/text me at the info above/below or find me on Facebook at: Andrea Bryant-Realtor-Blanchard and Calhoun **My mission to my clients is to ease the process of buying or selling a home through education, communication and servitude**


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